Saturday, November 24, 2012

Knit together by God..

Have you ever seen professional/experts knitting? Now I’m not talking about that one class where you had to knit (and you hated it) but I mean, people that have been knitting a while, those that enjoy doing it, and do it with joy, with skill and with such prowess you can’t help but admire their work?

Have you noticed not just the beautiful final products they come up with (every single time!) but also the immeasurable care they put into making sure every box or square or pattern comes out just right? What about the time they put in? They don’t take short-cuts because they know how beautiful the final product can be and they will not settle for anything less than it. And when the final product is complete, have you seen the pride in their faces as they look at it? And then the grins on their faces and sparkle in their eyes when they show it to any and everyone who will care to stop to look?

Well, Psalms 139:13 says:
Imagine that! The Creator of earth and heaven, of all things seen and unseen knit you! He took the time, the care and the patience to put you together from scratch. From a glorious vision he had of your destiny and your purpose on this earth, He took the time to step by step work on fashioning you in your mother’s womb.

Sometimes we forget how special we are (as individuals and to God). I’ve heard this expression: “I’m special (and unique), just like everyone else.” That’s not so special is it? It’s no fun to think that your uniqueness is similar to everyone else – it takes A LOT away from you feeling special doesn’t it? Consider this: if a toy was being made by a particular manufacturer and had the label, ‘specially created for you' as the tag line for each child – that would be true to an extent. Each box has a unique code that differentiates it from all the other identical toys shipped out to different stores and homes. That makes the toys unique, but only on the outside; the inside of all the toys is exactly the same since they are mass-produced.

The Bible says this is NOT how God formed you. He did not just create a prototype and batch produce humans with a different unique ID. He spent time, carefully worked on you to perfection – both on the inside and out. KNITTING. So your skin colour might be like someone else’s, your ears and nose similar to your grandparents’ but there are a million other things inside of you including your destiny and purpose God interwove with your special traits/characteristics for you to fulfil.

I don’t know about you but what a joy to know that each quirk we have, each little detail about our lives and who we are at our core was carefully fashioned and specially designed and signatured by God.

Know this today: You are all kinds of special! You were fashioned by God.