long as you keep running, your past keeps chasing because your running gives life
to your past.
And let’s face it: As long as
you are being chased, you don’t really have the luxury of enjoying the
blessings of today do you? And worse still, hoping and planning for the future
is out of the question because who knows when the past will show up?
to stop running:
Face up to it. You screwed up – you made bad
decisions (intentionally or unintentionally) and the consequences show. If you’re
fortunate enough not to have them show, the regrets and the replays in your
mind are constant reminders. Forgive yourself.
Yes - they hurt you (intentionally or
unintentionally) by taking advantage, oppressing you, silencing you and cutting
you down or worse. You know it – they might too (or might not), but you’re
carrying it around with you daily. Forgive them.
You hurt some people too. Took advantage of
them, treated them with little or no respect perhaps by speaking to them in a
way that reflected that or speaking about them (whether the things were true or
not, you had no right to be going on and on about it!). Whatever you did, or
didn’t do – make things right. Ask for forgiveness.
Now look
around. Breathe. No one’s chasing you anymore. You’re free!!
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." - Jesus.
NB: Steps
1-3 take time – sometimes it’s in an instant we feel the weight lift off, and
the fresh air of hopefulness regarding the future rushes in. Sometimes though, it’s
a process involving journaling, tears, counseling, hugs and incredible amounts
of boldness to set things straight. Regardless of the duration, one day, not so
far from today (when you stop running), you’ll look up, breathe and be amazed at the
abundance with which you are able to live – truly live – because your past will
no longer be dictating your present.