Lord’s Prayer begins with the words ‘Our Father’. I wonder how many of us live and relate with God in the light of that reality? Because it is!! For those who have accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, God is our Father!

what does this mean to have Him as my Daddy? What kind of Daddy is He toward
me? What can I be confident of?
v He
has only the best intentions for me (Jeremiah 29:11)
v He
would give/do anything for me – (John 3:16; Isaiah 43:1-4)
v He
protects me and never leaves me alone (Hebrews 13:5)
v His
word is good i.e. He keeps His word to me (He is faithful – 1st Corinthians
1:9; Numbers 23:19)
v He
wants me to come to Him boldly, freely, unashamed, freely (Hebrews 4:16)
v He
cares for me (1 Peter 5:7)
v He
is my confidant: he listens and answers every time (Psalm 116:1-2)
v He
always has my back (2nd Timothy 4:16-17)
v He
defends me (Romans 12:19)
v He
provides for me (Philippians 4:19)
v He
shields me from evil (2nd Timothy 4:18)
list is obviously not extensive and you can feel free to add stuff to it. The
point here is – for both you and I – that the more we internalize these traits
of God as our Daddy, a caring, loving and involved Father, the more personal,
honest, rich and true our prayer time will become.
For example if you know that He wants only the
best for you, you can be confident that even in tough times that He is working
the situation out for your good though you can’t see it (Romans 8: 28). Similarly,
even when it seems like no one is with you and you are afraid, being confident
of the fact that His promise to never leave you alone or forsake you is good –
you can speak to Him knowing that He hears you (Psalm 116:2).
meditate on this truth, secure in your Daddy’s love and your unwavering place
in His family. You’re the Lord’s and He loves you, unconditionally.
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