So today is one of those days I'm not feeling very Christian-y.. Not feeling overly inspired.. Somewhat like a drying up brook (I'm guessing this is how brooks feel-how am I supposed to know? Stop judging :P)
Anyway - in my non- christian-ness (ooh i have an entire dictionary of my own words, just in case you were wondering) I started wondering why people (Christians) rarely share their vulnerabilities..myself included! Never sharing how down we're feeling: how unworthy, undeserving, so lost and just..even sometimes afraid. We, for some reason, always have to be strong, be perfect, have all the answers, keep up the show.. Lest we be deemed not 'good enough' by the same family that's meant to understand God's grace at work in ALL our lives.
A good friend of mine yesterday night raised some valid points about the 'hypocrisy' of Christians. She pointed out how 'welcoming' bars/pubs are as opposed to churches. She noted how, regardless of what you wore to the bar, you'd always feel welcome, have a couple of hellos and people (at least pretending) to care about what's going on in your life. This she contrasted with the instant judgement one feels when you walk into a new church. Eyes glancing up and down your body-pretty clear about how you don't qualify to be there, based on what you're wearing. The worst, she says, is when you leave the service not having even one person say hello to you...and you make it a point never to return.
As she shared this with me, my heart bled. What use is our salvation if we are bound up (and blinded) by religion? Not able to see past fake smiles, dressing, church attendance, number of hallelujahs, amount of offering, etc. N not just toward the new comer. How genuine are you with your sisters and brothers in Christ? Be willing to be vulnerable, to be weak.. Sometimes your encouragement, breakthrough or simple hug is in a friend, and your sharing will encourage (other) younger believers...to know it's ok to have days like these.. When we feel like the next step could be the one that seals our fate. (Check this song out if you're there now.)
For the truth is.. It's not my feelings, neither is it my good works, nor my 'perfected christianism' that count for my salvation and or christianity. It's all a work of grace-given by God and sustained by Him.
I am weak, but He is my strength. I can not judge another, for I stand by His grace alone. I pray I'm not counted as part of the cold church... Judging, pointing fingers etc instead of smiling, being understanding etc. Take a moment to check yourself CHRISTIAN... Are u encouraging growth? or driving people to oh-so welcoming bars?
Check this song out.. It's one of my favourites on this topic.
Take off the masks today... N let's change the cold churches into warm, welcoming REAL zones!!
I'm sorry about the formatting. It simply refuses to shape up. :( Hope the content is enriching though.
ReplyDeleteHis power is made PERFECT in your weakness