Sunday, May 19, 2013

The danger in prayer...

JAMES 5:16B:
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (NIV)
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (KJV)
"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." (ESV)
"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." (NLT).
"The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]." (AMP)
As I walked to varsity earlier this morning, I thought to myself – damn, this prayer business is really dangerous! I mean when you pray, in faith, according to His will and dare to believe (have faith), things are gonna happen!
I have seen first-hand what James was talking about in the verse above! From a man being delivered from over 20 years of alcohol addiction to ridiculous financial interventions (and supplication) from what could only be God’s hand, to confirmation of life partners, to a top management position (CEO level) being handed (yes handed) to a woman who a) did not know about the company b)did not apply for the job (somebody shout FAVOR!)… And those are just a handful from a bag of results this prayer has produced in the 5months of 2013.
What’s most fascinating for me currently is how God can work in you and cause you to be amazed at yourself because what you’re doing is so “unlike your natural self”. Like with habits and personality traits that we want to change but often can’t – pray about them, and ask God to have free reign over changing, uprooting them – you’ll find yourself doing things that are “out of character” because He is changing your orientation, your appetite and well…doing more than what you asked for!

They say, be careful what you wish for? I say, be careful what you pray for

5 at 25.. #LifeLessons

SO I turned 25 exactly a month ago and well.. it was awesome! I had a super week prior to my birthday and my lovely friends took me out for a lovely buffet lunch that I thoroughly enjoyed so.. wooptywoop! Earlier that day though, I was on the phone with my mum and she asked me to write about the day.. you know.. how it went etc.. That evening as I sat to do that, I felt a usual prompt that I was going to write something..just not what I'd intended to.. God asked me to write about my life - what I had learnt to this point. And so I did.. And this is me sharing with y'all..
The 5 key lessons I have learnt in my 25 years on earth:
1)  Your past does not (have to) define you..
At any point in time, you can choose to do things differently, aim for different things and be different. Choose to do this and then follow through radically.
2) God is a personal God.
He is as real and near to you as you allow Him to be.
NB: You want all of Him!
3)Opportunities are all around you..
They don't always come in the packages you have imagined or when you've planned for them and they rarely come in announced!
Use every one of them to to learn, increase your knowledge, experience, qualifications - to grow!
4) Be involved!!
Take every opportunity to be involved, to help, to serve, to give: In this way, you are able to network and be a blessing to others.
5) Jesus is enough - Truly.
For every need and situation, He truly is enough.
I am content with whatever He has in store for me - for tomorrow, next month, 5 years from now - He has been faithful before, He will be faithful again.