Monday, July 1, 2013

God will make a way

Isaiah 43:19b: “I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

God will make a way.

Let me say that again. God will MAKE a way. Not that He will find a way or look for one either. HE. WILL. MAKE. ONE!

Make (verb): To bring into existence; to cause to exist or happen; to establish or enact.

How is it possible that He can/will make a way? 

God is not limited by the options available or unavailable. He is not bound by time or space (Psalm 139:7). God is not without resource – in fact, He owns ALL that is (Psalm 24:1). God is not threatened or intimidated by so and so or their title (Romans 13:1 – “All authority comes from God…”).

God is not working off what lies you’ve heard (and maybe believed over the years) about your uselessness, hopelessness or weakness – He knows you. He formed you (Psalm 139:13-15) and has a great destiny for you (Jeremiah 29:11). They might have said (or are saying) you’ll never do it or never make it but if God says it’s yours, your assignment or your victory, best believe He’s gonna MAKE a way!! It might not be how everyone else does it/has done it but if God’s in it – He will make a way!

 “Resting in Christ’s character is directly related to our knowledge of Him. The greater we recognize Him to be, the more we are able to rest in Him.” – Paul Washer.

Ask God to give you peace as His Spirit works this truth into your heart. He’s got you. And though you can’t see how (with your limited, one-dimension, over-analyzing anxious earthly view), He is able to and will make a way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. whenever i walk around Nairobi and i see a road project,where there was none before,some place that doesn't look 'roadish' literally in the wilderness,n I wonder how the connections will come about..but once the engineers embark on the Job,they end up doing amazingly well,I get encouraged that indeed it is possible that GOD WILL MAKE A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS AND STREAMS IN THE WASTELAND'
    Thanks for sharing

  3. So true Fridarius (LOL..couldn't resist!) what a perfect analogy! :) :)
