Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts..."
So it has become apparent that God has a totally different plan for this blog.. Starting it, I wanted to share my revelations and inspirations that I came across throughout the day/week..etc. So the first note blog came out of my Quiet time... and I thought aha! Now let's do more intense QT so that we can get deep stuff to share... Well, what do you know 6 months to the next post. Was I not doing QT? I was. Was I not praying enough? Like Elijah I was praying.. So what was the problem??
As is with so many things that are led of God, sometimes we get so excited at the outcome and then convince ourselves that we have learnt His pattern (of working) and then we plug in our 'well' established formula and before you know it, we are producing:
1 +2 = 7 or 3-1 = 77. WRONG, uninspired, human centered stuff.
Listen, I'm not just talking about blogging.. I'm talking about all areas of life. The way He helped you bag that client, or market a product, get through a presentation/assignment - heck something as simple as make new friends. The secret is in Him. Him leading, ordaining your path, giving you specific instruction not at all to do with you - your brilliance, your charisma, your education... zilch!
There ain no way we're going to figure out the secret formula.. and the sooner we learn that, the quicker we learn.. the more we submit and are able to be used as vessels for His use - remaining relevant as well as bringing about that awesome blog word, sermon, lecture, presentation, report, friendship, relationship... ok you get my drift.
Psalm 128:1 says "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His Ways.."
(Fear the Lord (revere Him, submit to Him) and walk in HIS very very brilliant (Isaiah 55) ways..)
That said, my plan for daily blog updates has been negated. I write when He says write.
As is with so many things that are led of God, sometimes we get so excited at the outcome and then convince ourselves that we have learnt His pattern (of working) and then we plug in our 'well' established formula and before you know it, we are producing:
ReplyDelete1 +2 = 7 or 3-1 = 77. WRONG, uninspired, human centered stuff.
that said,my plan for daily blog updates has been negated.I write when he says write!!!
i likey:)