Psalms 1 : 1- 3
Interesting how I've known this Psalm like for the longest time but reading it again today I just saw something new.. Isn't that something so amazing about God's Word? It's always relevant, so full of endless Truth, inexhaustible..but ah, I digress. What struck me??

Psalm 1:1.. BLESSED is the man who?? - does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.. What does that even mean? It's not related to where you are (literally) walking, neither where you are hanging out but WHO you are letting give input in your decision-making, choices.. Who is offering their advice? Who is suggesting direction?
The Bible says, if you are getting this advice from people in whom the Spirit of God does not dwell, or God Himself.. then umm.. you are not walking in the path of blessings AND blessedness...(baffles me why anyone wouldn't want this!) Contrast this with the guy who MEDITATES on God's word and whose DELIGHT is in God's law.. This person loves God's Word, thinks on it, discusses it and I take it.. shares in it with his/her brothers and sisters in Christ WHO are positioned then (based on God's Word and their own experiences that God has brought them through) to give advice.. LEADING to... 'Whatever He does prospers' (vs 3)
Is it surprising that the one who gets counsel from mere human minds is not blessed? Mortal, near-sighted human who can only operate on the present based on the past.. uh, no. I mean I want counsel from the God of Jer 29:11 Who said 'I know the plans I have for you.. to give u a prosper you.." since he knows what's BEST for me, sees the end from the beginning..
Watch who you receive advice from.. Pick the people on your advisory board very wisely...
Not everyone who is in your life should have a say in your life. - AngieO.
Ain't that the truth! you're so right, it's SO important to choose who sits on your advisory board. Not everyone who's in your life wants to see you prosper or wants what's best for you. Not everyone cares about what you're going through, most people are just curious...
ReplyDeleteSo true..